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St Francis Xavier's RC Primary School

‘Love one another as I have loved you’ John 15:12


Long Term Plan in Geography and History

Pupil Voice


 Year Group


Year 1

Harry – Geography is learning about the world.  I have learned about maps and I also like using a compass too. The arrow always points north

Oscar – I like geography we know about maps and I know north, east, south and west on the compass and it shows you the way.

Evie – Geography is the world and maps.  Maps tell you which way to go. We have been looking at the bird’s eye view of a village. I like geography because I like looking around the world. Our cards help us to remember things.

Year 2

Isla – The ROCKS cards help us to remember our knowledge of what we are learning to do. I enjoy geography we learn about maps and the continents and oceans.  We made balloon globes and this was fun. If we are stuck our knowledge organiser can help us a little bit.

Charlie – I really like geography and we learned about oceans – there are 5 oceans and 7 continents.

Kayden – I enjoy geography a lot. I enjoyed learning about climate and I like the weather. Geography is about the world and it’s an ongoing thing and never ending as the world is changing and the weather is changing. Antarctica has penguins and as it gets warmer, it gets smaller as the ice melts.

Year 3

Aston – I like leaning about the United Kingdom and the counties.  The pictures on our green cards remind me what we are doing.

Thomas – we have learned about the counties and the landmarks.  I enjoyed learning about continents and oceans in Year 2 – we made our own globes. The cards help my memory and they remind me about what I am learning. I use my knowledge organiser to find facts. I know that human geography is what humans have done to the world and physical geography is what is already in the world like trees.

Archie – I like geography and I enjoy learning about the world I live in. We have ROCKS cards and they have lots of facts on.

Year 4

Molly – Geography is about learning about the world, different continents and countries.  We do learning log projects about geography. The knowledge organiser helps me to know what I am going to learn and also if I forget I can look at it.

Lidia – we learn about different places and their traditions.  I am looking forward to learning about Europe.  I like finding out which animals live in the different countries. When I am asked questions, I use my knowledge organiser to get the answer if I can’t remember.

Timve – I enjoy geography and learning about countries and cities. We have learned about maps and also in history we have used Anglo Saxon and Viking maps.

Year 5

James G – I like learning facts about the world – I am enjoying rivers and mountains.  I love learning about places that I might not get the chance to go to. Learning about the River Nile has been interesting. Mount Everest is the highest mountain.

Agnel – I love all the facts in Geography and learning about places I can visit. I enjoyed learning about continents.  When I get confused I look at my knowledge organiser.

Alicia – I love learning about how the rivers change over a period of time and you can’t experience that by yourself.  Rivers change over time because of erosion. The ROCKS cards help me to remember facts I am forgetting.  Our knowledge organiser is helpful for me to check information. We’ve learned about tectonic plates and I’m glad we don’t have big earthquakes here!

Year 6

Zofia – I loved learning about the rainforests. I enjoy geography and learning about the world and knowing that we could travel anywhere with that knowledge. The knowledge organiser is good to look back on information. ROCKS cards are helpful, they help us to remember our knowledge.

Samin – I have enjoyed learning about the and flora and fauna of the rainforest. I enjoy trips and fieldwork. We use Google Earth to find places and we did this for our book in literacy to see where the character travelled.

Kitty – I like that you can learn about all the different countries of the world and we have learning logs about geography and I enjoy those.

Year 2 - Oceans and Continents

Learning about Herefordshire farming - growing apples and hops at Stocks Farm.

Year 6 South American food technology

Year 4 loved learning about Volcanoes.


Year 1 Map Work

Year 1 have enjoyed their map work topic.  They learnt the compass points and how they are used in map work. They took part in activities where they went on a treasure hunt and followed a map, they designed their own town and discussed the features that they included, they assembled a table top map from written instructions and made a town using role play equipment.


Year 4 making and using a fortune teller to learn about European country facts.
