Pupil Voice
Ben (Year 5), "Every Friday we all do Froggy Maths where we practise and test our times tables skills. When you move up a level it makes me feel really happy and proud. Each day, we do a times table challenge against the clock. In lessons we use pictorials like arrays and bar models to help us to understand."
Zofia (Year 3), "In each lesson, there are different activities in the four coloured trays. We can pick the work which is most challenging for us and move up through the challenges!"
Freya (Year 4), "We play maths games like Bang Bang where you are against someone else and focus on one times table. You have to see who can remember the times table the quickest to find the champion! This helps us to learn our number facts. If we are stuck, we do 'Three Before Me'. This means that if we are stuck we
1. Read the question again and underline the important words
2. Ask a friend
3. We look in our book and use the apparatus to help us
If we are still stuck we ask our teacher."
Luke (Year 5), "I like selecting the work from the tray because it helps me to challenge myself and work independently. This builds my confidence in myself. I can make sure my work is not too easy or too challenging for me."