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St Francis Xavier's RC Primary School

‘Love one another as I have loved you’ John 15:12

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3


Please see our timetable, knowledge organisers and topic webs below to find out what we are up to as we go through this very exciting year. 


Our PE lessons are on a Monday afternoon so please send your child into school wearing their school PE kit.  


Year 3 Class Teacher

Mrs R. Thompson


Stone Age Paintings

Learning log homework on Safer Internet Day

Cross-curricular Maths and P.E

Class Assembly: Attentive and Discerning

Sign Language Palm Sunday Poem

Still image for this video

               Year 3 Invitation Mass

Thank you to all the parents, children
and Father Michael for joining us!

Sporting Success

We are so proud of the boys' Futsal team!
They played brilliantly as a team and didn't give up.

