Our School Councils represent the views of all our pupils. They give children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community. The School Council meets on a fortnightly basis with Miss Head. Following on from meetings, the councillors return to their classes and share any updates and ask the children for their views.
Eco Council
‘Every child, every school and its community have to believe
they can make a difference’.
At St Francis Xavier’s School we firmly believe every child can make a difference. We would like to improve and enhance our school grounds, improve our recycling and sustainability and raise awareness of our community links over the next few years.
The school ran a competition to create an Eco Code and it was won by Maria in Year 5.
Everyone should look after our world.
Children can help recycle.
Our school needs to protect the environment.
Save our planet from being polluted.
Clean the seas before sea creatures get hurt.
Help recycle old clothes and give to charity.
Our school can help by coming up with ideas to keep our community clean.
Obedience is needed while working as a team.
Look after and love God’s Earth.
The Eco council meets regularly to discuss a wide range of interests and issues, such as looking at recycling in the school, sustainability, Clean for the Queen Campaign and designing and planning a new school garden and wildlife area. Our aim is to achieve the Eco Bronze Award.
Next Steps - to create a school garden using a raised bed for each class to grow their own vegetables and fruit to eat. If you would like to help with the design, donate any gardening items or help, please contact sgeorge@st-francisxaviers.hereford.sch.uk