Home Page

St Francis Xavier's RC Primary School

‘Love one another as I have loved you’ John 15:12

Year 5

Year 5 Class Teacher

Mr A Tunna


Welcome to our Year Five class page.  Please see below our timetable, with a slightly amended one for Autumn 2 due to swimming. There is also an overview of the subjects we will be covering this term along with knowledge organisers which will give you more of an insight into what your children will be learning. A copy of the homework for Spring 1 is also attached, children should aim to complete a minimum of three pieces by the end of the half term. Finished work may be handed in or uploaded onto SeeSaw. 


Children in Year 5 love to read and it is important this is encouraged as much as possible at home. Here is a list of 50 recommended reads for Year 5 children: Best Books for Year 5: Recommended Booklist for Ages 9-10 ( 
