Our school has close links with the parish of St Francis Xavier in Broad Street, Hereford. The Parish Priest, Fr Brendan Thomas OSB, will be an associate member of the governing body and often comes into school to celebrate Mass and the sacraments.
Fr Brendan writes
"St Francis Xavier’s is a wonderful school, with a unique vision to help each child achieve their God-given potential: academic, personal and spiritual. We are so blessed to have such dedicated teachers and support staff, who, together with the parents and governors, are committed to giving the very best Catholic Education, always putting the child at the centre. Every parent wants the best for their child, and I know the love and care delivered in the structured school community of St Francis Xavier’s seeks to provide it. It is always a delight to visit the school and meet the children."
After the Mass for the Feast of Christ the King, parishioners said:
"It was so beautiful to have the children at the Mass."
"Every child I have seen leaving Mass had such a big smile on their face."
"The children did so well today. It was really lovely."